Steambow’s own preferred Stinger II configuration explained

If you’re curious about how the experts like their Stinger II to look and function, then watch this 4-part miniseries detailing every part Steambow has chosen.

One of the unique and enjoyable features of the Stinger II series is that it is so modular.

Pick and choose what you want and where to put it. Convert from one model configuration to another: easily and quickly.

With the Stinger II, you have maximum control about what yours does and how. It becomes a very individual product, rather than an off-the-shelf one.

Make it what you want it to be. It’s no different for the team at Steambow.

They always have a choice of accessories to choose from, right there in the office. They’ve tried different formats: moving a part around, or replacing it altogether until, one day, they had a Stinger II Tactical that was just right for them.

It then seemed a good idea to share that with everyone and so they filmed a short video for each customisation. That is how this “Steambow Stinger II set-up miniseries” was born.

With 4 videos in total you can watch them all, or pick your favorite, to see how it’s done. If you like what you see, you can build the same yourself, or make changes.

With the Stinger II series, there is no right answer: just the right answer for you.

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