High performance at the push of a button
The Steambow PowerUnit is a pneumatic quick release system for the Excalibur Micro 355, Bulldog 400 and Bulldog 440. The same system is also used with the Steambow Onyx, which was specially developed for the PowerUnit.
The quick release system is powered by compressed air, stored in small and light pressure bottles, as they are common and proven in the paintball sport for decades.
The Steambow system is very robust and easy to use. A main valve regulates the cocking process, everything else (like manual safety or trigger) remains unchanged.
In the cocked state, the limbs are in exactly the same position as on the respective ground-arm crossbow. All performance data, such as arrow speed, precision, etc., therefore apply unchanged to a Steambow as well.
The PowerUnit also allows even the most powerful recurve crossbow to be folded into a convenient format.